samedi , 21 décembre 2024
Accueil » Actu & Buzz » Mike Horn : sa fille en larmes après le sauvetage de son père !

Mike Horn : sa fille en larmes après le sauvetage de son père !

Mike Horn est sorti d’affaire ! Sa fille Jessica n’a pu retenir ses larmes après avoir appris le sauvetage de son père !
Depuis plusieurs semaines l’explorateur et son compagnon de voyage Borge Ousland étaient en effet en danger. Partis sur la banquise du Pôle Nord, Mike Horn avait notamment subi un grave accident en tombant dans la glace.
Le journaliste Hugo Clément s’était envolé en Norvège avec Jessica, pour secourir Mike Horn et son collègue. C’est le samedi 7 décembre qu’il est sorti d’affaire. “Vers minuit hier soir, Pangea (le navire de Mike Horn parti à sa rescousse, ndlr) a reçu un appel de la Lance pour annoncer que Mike, @borgeousland, @aleksandergamme et @polarbengt sont finalement revenus au bateau sains et saufs” .

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Expedition update 40: As can be seen on the updated map (photo 3) @BorgeOusland and myself have managed to cover an extra 20km throughout the night. It has been our average for the past days, which is good constant progress. With only two days of food left, time is of the essence. We still have approximately 70km to go to meet up with Lance (photo 2) and our team. @AleksanderGamme and @PolarBengt, the two Norwegian explorers left the Lance yesterday (photo 1) and started walking in our direction with extra food supplies to keep us going until we meet up with the boat again. Strong winds are coming our way tomorrow and after tomorrow so we might have to wait it out before we set off again. This might be a blessing in disguise as it will give us some time to rest, eat and gather our strength for the final stretch of the expedition. Next update from the Lance tonight at 10 pm, crossing fingers they will have good news to share with us 🤞 -«photo: Jørgen Braastad/copyright VG» #vgnett

Une publication partagée par Mike Horn (@mikehornexplorer) le

Sur place, Jessica a littéralement fondu en larmes après avoir appris le sauvetage de son père et de Borge Ousland.
Quand on lui demande “Es-tu soulagée ?”, elle a répondu ainsi par la positive avant de cacher son visage dans ses mains et de s’effondrer en sanglots: “Les dernières nouvelles que nous avons reçues hier soir tard sont que les deux duos d’explorateurs ont réussi à se rapprocher jusqu’à ce que, soudain, ils repèrent leurs phares au loin”.

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Expedition Update 43: As we impatiently wait for more news and photos from Mike and @BorgeOusland, we thought it would be nice to give you a little sneak peek of what happens behind the scenes. The past couple of weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster above all for Mike and Borge on the ice, but also for all the people supporting and following this epic expedition. So here's a little video of my sister @JessicaaHorn when she found out that the 4 explorers had finally met up in the dark after successfully crossing the lead that was separating them. It is difficult to put emotions into words in these types of situations, but for us and the rest of our amazing team, who work so closely to Mike to help him make his dreams come true, these are the moments we live for! The last news we received late yesterday night is that the two duo of explorers had managed to get closer and closer to each other until all of a sudden, they spotted each other's headlamp lights in the distance. From what we were told, the 4 men all started shouting cries of joy when they saw the lights! I try to picture what this reunion must have been like…Imagine seeing two strangers on the ice after spending almost 3 months alone with no other sign of life than that of your expedition partner. Knowing @MikeHornExplorer, he must have been euphoric. I can just imagine hearing his "woohoooo" resonating in the silent polar night coming from nothing else than a headlamp light. I wish we could have been there to witness what must have been a truly historical moment! That being said, the expedition is not over yet! The guys still have to make their safe way back onto Lance, about 15km away, which they hope to complete by tonight or tomorrow morning. But one thing is sure, the end is in arm's reach now. Soon Mike and Borge will be welcomed onboard Lance, which will then backtrack its way out of the ice and meet up with Pangaea, which will be waiting for them at the edge of the ice so they can hop back onboard and officially finish their expedition! We are now waiting for Paps to give us a call and update us on the current situation, so sit tight, more news to come. 🤞@annikahorn

Une publication partagée par Mike Horn (@mikehornexplorer) le

source: Closer

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