jeudi , 20 février 2025
Accueil » Actu & Buzz » Albert de Monaco : sa fille illégitime blesse Charlene !

Albert de Monaco : sa fille illégitime blesse Charlene !

Dimanche 21 juin 2020, Jazmin Grace Grimaldi a rendu un doux hommage aux pères de sa vie dont Albert de Monaco.
Ce qui va raviver de mauvais souvenirs sur le passé tumultueux du prince Albert de Monaco.
Il a eu deux enfants nés hors mariage et non légitimés judiciairement. Parmi eux, il y a Jazmin Grace Grimaldi, née en 1992 à Palm Springs en Californie, aux États-Unis, née d’une relation pendant l’été 1991 avec Tamara Rotolo.
La jeune femme, âgée de 28 ans, a rencontré son père biologique pour la première fois lorsqu’elle avait 11 ans. Depuis, père et fille se sont vus à plusieurs reprises entre les États-Unis et Monaco.
A l’occasion de la fête des pères, la jeune femme a partagé deux photos, l’une avec lui et une autre avec l’homme qui l’a élevée:
“J’ai été extrêmement bénie d’avoir deux pères dans ma vie. Je suis si reconnaissante pour tout ce que ces deux hommes ont fait, pour leur amour, leur protection, leurs conseils et leurs enseignements constants, tout ce qu’ils ont sacrifié et accompli (…). Leur plus grand point commun est leur grand coeur”.

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I have been very fortunate to experience a lot of love growing up, and I have been extremely blessed to have two Father figures in my life. I have led a private unique life and with that comes vulnerabilities, but one thing I know for certain is that sharing love and appreciation should never be an apology. I’m so thankful for all that these two men have done, for their continuous love, protection, guidance, teachings and all they have sacrificed and accomplished! I respect and admire them both so much, and I only hope I make them as proud. Along with my beautiful mother they have both helped shape the young woman I am today. The greatest similarity they share is their abundant heart ❤️. The beauty in our relationships, as different as they may be at times is that we are still learning from one another daily and have such an effortless strength in our growing daddy daughter relationships. I couldn’t be more proud to be their daughter and celebrate them on this day. I miss them and hope to reunite soon! Sending lots of love to all the Fathers out there, biological and heaven sent. There is a precious sacred bond between a daddy and a daughter that can never be broken. Here’s to the men that are great fathers, biological or not that help shape lives, mentor, inspire and nurture young souls. I am in awe of the dedication and unconditional love parents have for their young especially single mothers and fathers that take on both roles. Never forget you are worthy of love and acceptance in all forms, it is your birthright. Love is love, love has no label and the soul knows no difference. Thank you ❤️ pops and daddio this ones for you! #happyfathersday #happydadsday #fatherdaughter #Father #dad

Une publication partagée par JazminGraceGrimaldi (@jazmingrimaldi) le

source: closer

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